Friday 13 June 2008

Rulesguide by Wim Thijs | 3

In March of this year I wrote a couple of posts about Rulesguide by Wim Thijs 1989 | 2
Also in Dutch: Regelwijzer van Wim Thijs uit 1989.
Some time ago I came across an updated version from 1997, so still a couple of rule-cycles ago.
I've tried to ask permission of the author to update the picture, but alas, my inquiries have been unanswered. Below a picture of the 1997 version:
Perhaps I should translate and update for 2009-2012?


  1. Brilliant picture that covers most aspects of situations on the course. Would be great with a translation.. ;-)

    Peter K

  2. Yep, I agree.
    Unfortunately I can't seem to get hold of the author to get permission to do just that.

  3. There is nothing saying that you can create a separate document that translate the words into english. You are not modifing the document or changing it. You are enhansing it by adding additional information.


  4. Looks a lot like an illustration from Dave Perry's book Understanding the Racing Rules. I think the artist was Dave Dellenbaugh. I am sure Dave's current version has updated this for 2005-2008 and will do it again for the next cycle. Cheers, Dave

  5. Oops, it was Dave D.'s brother Brad who did the artwork for the Perry series.

  6. This would be a great training aid and needs translating and updating.


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