Monday 21 April 2008

Sunday planning

For those of you who were waiting for the next installment of Amorita vs Sumurun, please be patient. My Sunday plans were throw askew by an invitation to visit friends and I spent the day away from my computer, getting home very late.

I did check "my source" who keeps an eye at the court, but apparently only motions were filed back and forth, trying to get the case thrown out. No decisions by a judge as of yet. I recall that the owners of Sumurun claimed in their appeals that the PC lacked jurisdiction and that the protest shouldn't have been heard, that the courts should determine liability. It seems they have since changed their minds.... the court shouldn't hear this either.

I'm analyzing the NoR and the SI and the impact on this case is not yet clear to me, although several principles of the RRS were changed drastically. I'm sorry not to have finished. I will get there eventually, promised!


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